1st Quarter 2nd Semester 2006

Room 149


Mr. LevineGeneric Web Site Clipart

Office Phone: 206-252-7823

Beginning Web Design


Welcome to Beginning Web Design. In this class you'll express your creativity while building small but professional quality web sites.

You'll make web pages about:

College Credit

Students who earn a B average or better in this course can apply for free college credits at the three Seattle Community College locations. All you need to do is get a form from me and have it signed by a parent or guardian.

Course Goals

At the end of the course, students will be able to demonstrate these skills:

Essential Academic Learning Requirements (EALRs)

This course focuses on the following Washington State Essential Academic Learning Requirements (EALRs) in the area of Communications:

Daily Procedures

Upon entering the classroom, turn on your computer and log in. This can take several minutes.

Once logged on, go to the class web page: http://www.davidlouislevine.com/cleveland/webdesign. It will show the day's activities and assignments.

While your are logging on I will call the class to order and give instructions for the day and I'll often give a short demonstration. During this time you must be silent so you can hear the instructions. If you come in late you must find your seat quietly.

Usually you will be given the rest of the period to work on projects and other assignments.


The class web page has a table of all assignments with their due dates and the number of points.

Assignments must be copied over the school network to the "outbox". Go here for procedures on using the outbox.

Computer Use

Grading Policy

Grades are based on the percentage of total points:

90% - 100% A
80% - 89% B
70% - 79% C
60% - 69% D
59% or less N

Students caught cheating on papers or tests will receive a failing grade. Final tests and papers cannot be made up. This will be followed up by a phone call to parents.

Students, who fall below a “C” average, are required to go to after school tutoring. The computer lab is opened after school, except on Wednesdays and occasional Thursdays for staff training, from 2:15 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. There is an after school activity bus that leaves at 4:30 P.M. or students will be provided with a bus token.

Most public libraries have computer access for students to use. Please contact your local library to find out what their computer policy use is. All libraries have different hours and requirements.

Course Outline - 1st Quarter

  1. Classroom and computer operations - 5 days
  2. Understanding HTML - 5 days
  3. Using Dreamweaver - 10 days
  4. Artifact Page - 5 days
  5. Team Project: Small Business Web Site - 7 days
  6. Final Project - 15 days

Attendance Policy

Attendance policy is strictly enforced in this class. If a student misses more than 11 days per semester, they are at risk of losing credit for that particular class. Students and their parents will be notified of being at risk of losing credit for absences when students have 6 absences. Class participation is part of all students’ grades. Students who are passing but were absent 12 or more days are required to petition for credit.

Students who are tardy to class will be marked as tardy on the attendance. Students need to remember that for every 3 tardies, it counts as an absence in the class and can count against them for credit.

Contacting Me

My office hours for parent contacts are:

Morning 7:15 - 7:45
Lunch / Prep 10:55 -12:25
Afternoon 2:15 - 2:45 or later

Feel free to contact me any time during school hours. The best way to reach me is via email at dllevine@seattleschools.org. I'm not always by a phone to answer calls, but I check my email throughout the day.