Making Animated GIFs

The moving image above is an animated GIF -- an image that moves. In this assignment you'll create this animation.

1. Start Fireworks


2. Follow these steps to create a new Fireworks file

a. Select the File menu, then choose New.

b.Choose a width of 300 and a height of 150.


3. Draw a red rectangle

a. Click on the rectangle tool.

You may need to select the rectangle tool first by clicking the mouse on the button and holding it there. That will pop up a menu of tools to choose from.


Selecting the Rectangle Tool


b. Change the line color to red

Select square next to the pencil tool and choose the color red. This sets the rectangle's edge color to red.

Selecting a color

c. Change the fill color to red

Select the square next to the paint bucket and choose the color red. This sets the rectangle's inside color to red.


d. Now draw a skinny rectangle across the left half of the drawing
Red rectangle

4. Draw a green circle

a Click the rectangle tool and hold the mouse down until you see a list of tools. Choose the ellipse tool.

b. Set the edge and fill colors to green


Selecting the ellipse tool

c. Draw a green circle to the right of the rectgangle

Rectangle and circle
Frame 1

5. Duplicate the frame

a. On the right is the Frame panel. Click the Options button (shown circled in red).

b. Choose Duplicate Frame

c. Click OK

Duplicate frame menu choice

6. Move the rectangle

a. Click the pointer tool.

b. Drag the rectangle about a third of the way over to the circle

c. Choose Duplicate Frame again

d. Drag the rectangle about the same distance toward the circle

e. Choose Duplicate Frame

f. Drag the rectangle so it just touches the circle

f. Choose Duplicate Frame

Rectangle moved a bit
Frame 2

Pointer tool

Rectangle moved even closer
Frame 3

Circle just touching
Frame 4

7. Flatten the circle

Your going to change the shape of the circle.

a. Choose the subselection tool

This tool lets you select points inside an object

b. Drag the left point of the circle (shown by the red arrow) a bit to the right

Subselection tool

Squash the circle3

8. Move the cirlce against the rectangle

a. Switch back over to the pointer tool

b. Drag the circle so it just touches the rectangle

c. Choose Duplicate Frame

Squashed circle touching
Frame 5

9. Move the rectangle and the circle to the right

a. Click the rectangle

b. Hold the shift key down and click the circle

c. Drag the two shapes a bit to the right

d. Choose Duplicate Frame

10. Repeat step 9 two times  

11. Test your animation from inside Fireworks

Click the Play button below the image

The animation should play through the eight frames

Play button

12. Export your file using steps 7-10 from this page

Important: In the Export Preview window choose Animated GIF for the File Format

Name your file

        David's collision

but replace David witih your name.

Animated GIF selection

13. Test the GIF

a. Go to your My Documents folder

b. Right click on the collision file you just saved

c. Choose Open With and then Internet Explorer

You should see the animation playing in a browser window

Open with Internet Explorer
14. Turn in the assignment